
Hi. My name is Linda, and I live in Portland Oregon, where the rainy weather is a perfect excuse for indoor activities. If I could afford to, I’d wear only Chanel, right? Since that’s impossible, I sew. I love to make my own clothes, modifying patterns or designing my own.  Right now, my life has plenty of space for creativity, so along with sewing, I write, bake and sing  too. One thing seems to lead to another. I’ll often find inspiration for the story I’m writing as I’m wandering through one of the many wonderful fabric stores in our city. This blog is an ode to that process; a diary of the fun we have as we move from our moments of inspiration to the actual creation of a garment, a story or a cake! I hope with this blog to connect with and join the community of DIY fashion devotees who love fabric, design and creating clothes as much as I do. Thank you for stopping by!Photo on 8-26-13 at 12.01 PM

12 thoughts on “About

  1. I love your dress. I just knew immediately from you vist to Mills end that you probably lived in Portland. I spent 5 months there last year and thought i had died n gone to heaven after walking inti fabric depot. Coming from Eugene the only fabric stores here are JoAnns and quilt shops. My sister brought me some antique buttons from England. They are large and look like a Mother if Pwarl with a faint pastel ye)ow sheen. I have pictured making somwthing in Linen with them. So in the back if my mind it is one if my many projects. I look forward to your next project. From here in Eugene and missing Portland.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So nice to hear from a fellow Oregonian! Yes, I’m so lucky to have so many beautiful fabric stores so close! I also love modern domestic, Bolt, and Josephine’s on Division. Those buttons sound like a true find!! how perfect for linen!!


    1. Thanks! We certainly have a great assortment of fabric stores here, which is good except that the temptations are huge! Glad you enjoyed portland.


  2. Thanks for sharing your creations! I have followed your blog for over a year and love seeing your new pieces! One day I will take the plunge and start sewing clothes… 🙂 Thanks for all the inspiration!


  3. Hi Linda. I just discovered your blog through PatternReview. You have sewn yourself a beautiful wardrobe. Very impressive! I’m curious whether you’re able to incorporate all of your new pieces into your wearing rotation. Your closet must be quite large!
    I look forward to seeing your next projects.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to meet you Karen! Yes, I do wear most of my makes. The things I make that don’t end up in rotation are usually because the color is off for me( like the safari jacket I made last spring.) I didn’t feel good in it so I gave it away to a friend. I’m RTW faster so I buy absolutely nothing in the stores, except for socks! Everything else is sewn. Thanks for checking in!


  4. I just found you. I live in Portland too and agree it’s a place where it’s so fun to sew. I used to make almost all of my clothes but stopped after I moved here, now feel drawn to it again. You are inspiring.

    You sing? Anywhere in particular? I love OK Chorale. Look them up on FB if you’re not familiar. Just a blast.

    See you in a fabric store!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, so nice to meet a fellow Oregonian who sees! We’re so lucky in Portland to have so many resources and fabric stores, and our sewing community is growing. I sing with Oregon Repertory Singers. We have a website if you’re interested in learning about our music. Our fall concert happens to be today. If you come to a concert maybe at Christmas, let me know so I can met you!! I will look up the chorale you mentioned, and Thanks so much for visiting my blog!


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